Apparel brand design and brand identity are essential for female consumers, and they are huge. When women want to buy something, they see the product and the whole package. This includes where he is purchasing from, the ambiance of the shop, and the brand value. The packaging is more important than the actual products. I am not generalizing it but most of the time I have seen this behavior. So, considering this aspect when it comes to branding is essential. Brand design and placement of branding trims are part of a professional tech pack. The placement of trims in the garment and their visibility is an art that a professional tech pack designer can execute effectively.
Why do Startup Clothing Brands Fail?
Clothing brands fail for several possible reasons. Some of them are as below.
1. No Backup Plan
When you do not have any original idea and copy established ideas, customers don’t connect to it. In general, people chase trends, and they fall behind. At that point, they have nothing to fall back on. Brands fail when you do not have something to express, and you don’t have your unique brand identity. In simple terms on what basis you can say to your customers to take my product, this is copied from X brand? Why will customers fall into your brand instead of the original? Remember, customers look down upon your brand if you fail to show some originality. Conversely, a mass of visual noise is created by all these trend chasers and copycats. Simply put, if you don’t have original ideas and execution, it’s difficult to break through.
2. No Investment in Concept and Design or No Original Concept In Apparel Brand Design
Everyone thinks they are creative designers. No offense, but when you know you do not have skills, hire somebody who has, and you focus on business. Start-ups believe hiring a tech pack designer wastes money, but they can save money and put it into production. Here, you are making a mistake. You are giving your control to the hand of a remote clothing manufacturer. Your product quality is at the mercy of the clothing manufacturer who works for profit. When you do not give any explicit instructions to the manufacturer, they will do what suits them. There is a proverb that if you pay for anything, you will get anything. People are so eager to make stuff that they don’t take the time to learn why some things look good and others don’t. Meaningless work and trend-chasing make it impossible to build any dedicated support.
3. Rome is Not Built In One Day.
Patience is an art and a habit that does not come to all. Startups want a return on their investment right from day one. And change their strategy if it does not work very quickly. Building an Apparel brand needs patience and passion. If you have both, get into this business. Whether you’re in it for the money or the art, it honestly comes down to whether you’re in it. If it’s all about the money to you, do yourself a favor and quit now.
Apparel Brand Design Process and How to Approach
Deriving something from nothing is never easy, especially in apparel brand design. You have to glorify what you are offering that others never provide. What is that you have worth remarking about? I was replying to one of my client’s queries and found this interesting to share. People make emotional decisions and then justify their decision with facts. They are egocentric, look for value, and think in terms of people. So, you can’t force people to do anything. People are also greedy and love to buy, yet are suspicious when purchasing something. They look for something but want to buy directly because of convenience and exclusivity. They want to see it, hear it, touch it, test it, and smell it before they buy it. Most people follow the crowd.
It’s been over ten years since I started consulting on Apparel Brand Design and fashion branding. Clothing designers and brands from the USA spend 80% of their time designing and producing. Apparel brand design and focus on brand identity take backstage when it comes to cost. This is especially relevant when it comes to new and start-up apparel brands. Whether you call it a lack of experience or an investment issue, they tend to do one thing at a time. While the garments are ready and dumped at your place, they think about selling them on the market. They lose essential time for building their apparel brand identity. It may not sound polite, but it’s necessary. It would help if you focused on what you are good at and what you are supposed to do. That is why we hire people with skills to support our business.
Fashion Studio Urban Purple as a Support System for Clothing Design Manufacturing
Most of my blog readers expect to build an excellent apparel brand. Some start the process now, and some think they will someday do. Do you have clear ideas for your fashion line? Congratulations — that’s no small job. But, before you celebrate, there’s just one issue: Now what? You are starting a new venture. You have some ambition that your clothing line will do great in the market and people will appreciate it. Also, you expect to get the value of your money spent. Whether for design, tech packs, apparel production, etc, it would help if you learned how to optimize your clothing business to support your bottom line. Here is how you should start before hiring an expensive clothing designer. If you are looking to produce common styles like t-shirts and hoodies and looking for tech packs, check out Tech Pack Template